Sybase,Inc. Helps to Redefine Enterprise Modeling with Release of PowerDesigner® 8.0 Design Tool


PowerDesigner 8.0 provides a highly-productive environment for data modeling, Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling and enterprise-class repository capabilities.

Offering One Of The Industry's Most Collaborative Modeling Solutions With Cutting-Edge Data and UML Modeling Functionality

Sybase, Inc. is making available its newest design tool, PowerDesigner® 8.0. Features of this innovative database-modeling tool include:

  • A common framework for data- and object-oriented modeling with enhanced UML that meets the needs of analysts, designers, database developers, application developers and administrators.
  • Strengthened team collaboration through an enhanced repository, which can help reduce the time and cost of distributed application development.
  • Increased optimization of investment in relational databases and application servers.

EMERYVILLE, CA -- March 7, 2001 -- Sybase, Inc. (NASDAQ: SYBS) today announced the general availability of Sybase® PowerDesigner® 8.0, one of the most user-friendly design tools for enterprise-level-use available today. PowerDesigner 8.0 provides a highly-productive environment for data modeling, Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling and enterprise-class repository capabilities.

PowerDesigner 8.0 helps organizations rapidly adapt e-Business systems and applications to the changing demands of today's competitive business environment. This new version of PowerDesigner is the only known product currently available that allows effective collaboration between analysts, designers, database and application developers, and administrators. Its enterprise-class repository and tight integration between data and UML models enables design-team members to collaborate throughout the phases of development: From outlining business requirements to the completion of the final application.

PowerDesigner 8.0 also aids in reducing the time and cost of distributed application development and helps optimize a company's investment in relational databases and application servers.

"PowerDesigner 8.0 establishes a common framework for both data- and UML-based object-modeling, industry-standard techniques," said Dimitri Volkmann, Sybase's worldwide product marketing manager for PowerDesigner. "Users may have a strong competitive advantage while developing their e-Business systems, as PowerDesigner 8.0 is currently the only tool providing such collaborative capabilities."

"As e-Business accelerates development cycles, development teams require tools that offer increased collaboration capabilities for all project stakeholders," said Kathy Quirk, an analyst with the Application Strategies Service at the Hurwitz Group. "PowerDesigner 8.0 provides team members with a unified environment, and with project visibility tailored to their project role, enabling changes to be implemented intelligently and effectively."

PowerDesigner 8.0 Feature Overview
PowerDesigner is an easy-to-use, highly intuitive, graphical design tool. It enables analysts, designers, developers, and system managers to improve productivity throughout the development cycle, from analysis and design through database schema generation and business object generation. PowerDesigner 8.0 offers:

  • A state-of-the-art easy-to-use interface.
  • Flexible architecture that integrates multiple modeling techniques:
    - Comprehensive UML modeling capabilities (Use Case, Sequence and Class Diagrams).
    - Entity/relationship modeling.
  • The ability to generate and reverse engineer Java™ technology, PowerBuilder® and XML.
  • Application, business logic and persistence design using the UML class diagram.
  • Database structures generation and reverse engineering for major relational databases.

With the new MetaWorks™ repository option, PowerDesigner 8.0 also features:

  • A centralized, robust, enterprise-class repository, able to be stored in most popular ODBC-compliant relational databases.
  • Enhanced inter-model links management.
  • The ability to define permissions and access rights for users and groups.
  • A consolidation and extraction mechanism to detect and manage conflicts.
  • Versioning and configuration management.

PowerDesigner 8.0 will be available in the next 30 days. Pricing is available by contacting Sybase at 1-800-8SYBASE. More information on PowerDesigner 8.0 can be found at

About Sybase, Inc.
Sybase provides enterprise-class software solutions that fuel e-Business and enable access to information anytime, anyplace. With its industry-leading Enterprise Portal (EP), mobile and wireless, and vertical-market solutions, Sybase is one of the largest global independent software companies in the world. For more information, visit the Sybase Web site:


Sybase, MetaWorks, PowerBuilder and PowerDesigner are registered trademarks of Sybase, Inc. or its subsidiaries. All other company and product names mentioned may be trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.

Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

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