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Training Courses Schedule - Middle East
2012 ( Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 )

Sybase Certified Professional Program
Professional certification from Sybase offers you the technical skills, experience, and confidence to design and implement real-world solutions, which make you valuable to your clients and your team. Ultimately, this provides a competitive advantage for your entire organization through enhanced service, higher productivity, and lower operating costs.

According to an industry survey, IT managers will pay the highest premium to get qualified Sybase database professionals and developers. Whether you are a full-time IT staff member or a freelance professional, as a highly skilled professional, you’re in high demand. Start now and become a Sybase Certified Professional—one of the industry’s best.

Professionals believe . . .
Certification is a differentiator when seeking a job (79%)
Certification brings more credibility, more money, greater self-esteem, and improved problem-solving skills

IT Managers believe . . .
Certified employees deliver more value (80%)
Certified employees are worth more, commanding premium salaries
Certification is used by 44% of managers as basis for selecting contractors (Source: Gartner Group - June 1997)

What Exams should I take for my Certification to become a …

Sybase Certified Administrator - Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0
Sybase Certified Associate - SQL Developer (Version 15.0)
PowerBuilder Developer Professional (Version 10.0)
Sybase Certified Associate - SQL Anywhere
Sybase Certified Associate - Enterprise Application Server Developer

For details, visit

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